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Good Talk...Good Talk


Raise your hand if you have ever run into a mannequin in a store and apologized. Continue to keep your hand raised if you want to pre-write thank you notes to those whom you anticipate attending your funeral because you suffer from chronic “way too nice” syndrome. Keep it up high if you have ever farted in church or yoga class. Man, my arm is getting tired!


Most people are awkward during the middle school years, grow out of it, and blossom into mature, well-functioning human beings…I’m still waiting for this to happen.


Awkwardness is my hidden talent, although most who know me would tell you it isn’t hidden—it’s written on my forehead. My daily life is filled with epic failures. Sometimes I feel like I’m one big malfunction! As I have gotten older, I just try to embrace it.


After you read this collection of essays, hopefully you will be able to accept your imperfections too! Nope, probably not because I’m still not there! However, maybe my comedy will stick with you like that hemorrhoid you can’t seem to get rid of, like ever—Good Talk…Good Talk.

Praise for Good Talk...GoodTalk


"Reading Ginny Andrews's Good Talk…Good Talk is a lot like hanging out with that girlfriend that invariably makes you laugh until you cry. She’s just a little off color and says out loud the words you think but are too chicken to speak. She’s totally relatable in sharing tales of the human condition – in all its craziness, and her kind heart comes through even when her wit is at its sharpest. Whether you take Good Talk…one talk at a time or tackle it all in one sitting when you feel like no one understands you, this book will bring a smile to your face and remind you that you are not alone in feeling like the most awkward person on the planet."



Lauren Cassel Brownell, Author of Zen and the Art of Housekeeping and Dying to Donate


"Good Talk…Good Talk is a laugh out loud winner, filled with quirky stories reminiscent of Patrick McManus. It'll have you chuckling and looking for creative ways to tell your own family tales. Andrews paints pictures of salt of the earth people and 'not so everyday life' that make the reader realize maybe their lives and families are a little more normal than they first thought."

J. Andersen, author of The Breeding Tree, The Gene Rift, and Legacy's Impact

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Web site design by KJ Waters Consultancy 

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